Dennis H. Wilfong, An American Success Story

The Nature Coast Manufacturers’ Association is honoring the memory of our friend and Membership Chairman, Dennis Wilfong.  As Chairman, Dennis worked hand-in-hand with Board Chairman Chip Howison, the Board of Directors, and Executive Director Duane Chichester to build, grow, and develop the Association’s membership.

Dennis, a successful manufacturer/businessman, was an advocate and champion for the manufacturing/business community that regularly reached out to help and encourage new entrepreneurs and small business owners. 

Please read the Tribute that follows in honor of his life and his selfless commitment and dedication to our community.

“Dennis personified the American success story. Here’s a guy from humble beginnings who dreamed up an idea that no one else believed in. But he overcame the naysayers and a mountain of obstacles to revolutionize an industry. Then he did what the greatest of patriots do. He made serving and inspiring others his life’s mission.” (Lara Bradburn, Former Brooksville City Mayor)

Dennis Wilfong was an ordinary guy born in Steubenville, Ohio. He spent most of his youth and young adult life in the small community of New Manchester, West Virginia.

He seemed destined to follow the path to the steel mill.  So, he tried his hand at Weirton Steel, but he knew that God had more for his life.  It was then that he started his journey, starting his first business at a young age.

Many could not understand why he would leave a solid company job to venture out of his own.  Their belief in him didn’t matter.  He believed in himself and the direction God was leading.  So, with his wife Pam’s support and their children, Dennis set off on an adventure to pursue his dreams.  In 1979, Dennis and his family relocated to Brooksville, Hernando County, Florida.

The journey was not easy and one that many would have abandoned, but not Dennis.  A friend and business associate, Gary Schraut, put it this way, “In life’s journey, we traverse many paths, some fast-moving superhighways, some treacherous rocky roads. Dennis faced all those roads with the same commitment and perseverance. To Dennis, the path didn’t matter; it was about reaching the high ground and making it happen. When asked how he was doing, he responded? “Super! but I’ll get better!” No matter how difficult the path, it was always a bright, sunny day to Dennis.”

Dennis’ perseverance, commitment, and high-ground attitude paid off. His approach to obstacles and challenges was “no problem.”  He became recognized as a highly successful inventor and businessman with significant accomplishments, awards, and honors.


Dennis Wilfong founded Innovative Technology, Inc. Beginning in his garage, he designed and built surge protection devices at night and peddled them to companies during the day. 

Innovative Technology evolved from a garage start-up to a world-class company that manufactured surge protective devices, known as THE PROTECTOR™. Under Wilfong’s leadership, Innovative Technology continued to design, manufacture, and distribute state-of-the-art surge protective devices, also known as Transient Voltage Surge Suppressors.  The groundbreaking innovation of his devices won the company a coveted opportunity to supply America’s National Defense Program.

Dennis Wilfong emerged as the Transient Voltage Surge Suppression (TVSS) leader and became the go-to global expert in the Power Quality/TVSS industry.  Desirous of learning from his expertise, Wilfong became a sought-after lecturer, presenting seminars on the topic worldwide.  His audience encompassed government and Fortune 500 companies alike, including NASA, the Pentagon, Federal Aviation Administration, Los Alamos, utility giants, Ford Motor Company, IBM, General Dynamics, Keebler, Frito Lay, Phillips Petroleum, Federal Express, and many, many more.  His international markets included Taiwan, Peru, France, Canada, Germany, Singapore, Thailand, Korea, and Holland.

Dennis Wilfong authored several articles published in technical journals throughout the world for organizations such as the Pentagon, the Naval Standards Committee, Power Quality International, the Society of Petroleum Engineers, the PEG Committee (Protection Engineers Group), and the IEEE International Symposium.

Headquartered at the Brooksville-Tampa Bay Regional Airport & Technology Center, Innovative Technology grew to a multi-million-dollar company providing products across the United States and 38 countries. 

Dennis Wilfong’s success brought him and his company much deserved recognition, including articles in Success Magazine and Florida Trend. In 1996, his company received local recognition and was given the Business of the Year Award by the Greater Hernando Chamber of Commerce.  He also received global recognition that year, as he received the National Environmental Safety Award and was inducted into the Inventors International Hall of Fame.

With his global success and recognition around the world, Dennis had indeed attained the dream of building and being more.  He had come far from his humble, small-town roots. 

Pursuing dreams was not something that Dennis kept only for himself. He believed in his employees and encouraged them to do and be more than they could imagine. He inspired them.

A long-time employee and friend, Andi Haa, said this about Dennis, “Always my boss!! Thank you for always seeing the possibilities and working so hard to make dreams come true. God used you each and every day here, and I know He will in Heaven. Now you have a new place to explore and say “no problem”!!

In 1997, Dennis began a new season of life, selling the company he started from nothing.  But he still had much to give.

Community Leader

As busy as Dennis was building an incredible global business, he always maned to volunteer and give back to his hometown.

Dennis was empowered by his walk with Christ and enjoyed nurturing the youth in the church.  He taught them about God, about loving, kindness, and believing in themselves.

He reached out to new entrepreneurs and small business owners.  He listened, guided them, and encouraged them to stay the course.  He was able to share his own obstacles and his stories of overcoming.  There were times that some small business owners felt that Dennis was one of the few that believed in them. He regularly “stopped by” to encourage them to continue in the pursuit of their dreams.

Ever since his volunteer Fire Chief days of his youth, Dennis believed he could and should steer the community to aid and help others, particularly in the development of new and emerging businesses.

He served as a leader in the Hernando County Business Development Committee, Hernando Progress, Hernando County Aviation Authority, the Greater Hernando County Chamber of Commerce, and the Nature Coast Manufacturers’ Association, Membership Chairman.  For close to ten years, he served as the Ambassador of Commerce and Employment for the City of Brooksville to help improve the City’s economic development and business/community relationships.  He led and served selflessly, without pay, and sometimes without recognition of his quiet, lifting collaboration.

Greg Stephens, a local Brooksville businessman, said that Dennis always made time to visit with him and his wife Dorothea, owners of Saxon Manor Weddings and Events.  They talked about business plans, ideas, and their families.  Dennis shared inspiring stories, guidance, and help.  “We will miss his friendship and knowledge,” Greg said, “The great ones seem always to leave us too soon.”

Former President of SunTrust-Brooksville and community leader Jim Kimbrough put it this way, “Dennis was a very good friend and ambassador for ALL that was good.  He loved Brooksville and Hernando County.  He will be missed.”

At Christmas time, Dennis loved to play Santa.  With Mrs. Claus by his side (Pam), he delighted his grandchildren and delivered presents to children and families in need. 

Devoted Husband, Family-Man, and Friend

If we could ask Dennis Wilfong to talk about his most extraordinary success stories, they would undoubtedly be of his family. 

Dennis would tell us about his wife, Pam, of 55 years.  He would make sure that we knew how brilliant, amazing, and supportive she had always been.  He would tell us that without Pam by his side, at home, in their business, and in his life, he would not have been able to build Innovative Technology as he did, and he certainly would not be the man he was destined to become.  Pam was his rock and the love of his life.

Dennis would tell us about his children, Dennis, Jr. (DJ) and Tammy.  He would talk about how wonderful and smart they are. Dennis would share how proud he is of their accomplishments.  He would brag about the loving people they have become and their devotion to others and their hometown.

Then Dennis would tell us about his incredible grandchildren and great-grandchildren. Some of his favorite days were spent with them.  He would talk about their adventures together, and with a huge smile on his face, he would say how much he has learned from them by listening and living through their thoughts and discoveries.

Dennis’ grandchildren shared that same love and admiration for their “Pap-Pap.” 

Grandson James said this about his Pap, “He was someone I considered a major hero and an idol in my life. He was a larger-than-life type of person. However, he never acted like it; he was always humble and kind. He was someone who would rush in to help someone. He gave a lot of love to his family, friends, and community just because he wanted to help them. He was always there for you to talk to and help you.”

Dennis’ grandson Jacob said, Pap-Pap was “A hero to me and thousands of others. He spent his life serving everybody around him and formed a legacy that will live on for generations to come. He lived many lives and had the wisdom to show for it. He built an empire on selflessness, compassion, and generosity.  On that night, after hearing the news, I prayed to God and thanked God and Pap for the blessings they have given me and this world.  My family and I will always cherish your loving and compassionate heart.”

Granddaughter Kirsty shared her Pap’s wisdom and insight.  “Every adversity has a seed of equal or greater opportunity.”  “Pap-Pap taught me many things in the last 30 years, and this one has grown to mean so much more to me as an adult. He knew all about adversity. However, to hear him share his stories, you wouldn’t think of it as adversity at all. Whenever something would go wrong, it was “no problem.” He was a man of creativity and solutions and was always ready to jump in and help in any situation. He always knew how to find the positive side. Maybe that’s why he always had such a bright smile on his face.”

“He was a busy man, always doing something for someone. But no matter how much was going on, he always made time for family. He loved the holidays because it meant we would be squeezing as many people as possible around the giant dining room table that still never seemed quite big enough.”

“Throughout it all, the most important thing he taught me was how to love – How to love Christ. How to love your spouse selflessly. How to love family. How to love friends. How to love a community. How to be love to everyone you meet. How to love Christmas. How to love no-bake cookies, with a glass of milk, of course.”

To all he met along the way, Dennis Wilfong was always the same person, whether in business, community, church, or home.  He had many close friends that he cherished and loved as deeply as his family. His friends depended on him for love, encouragement, support, and just being their friend.  For many, Dennis was always the positive, optimistic friend that could help them through anything, anytime and anyplace.  He was their inspiration to dream, grow, love, and love others.  Dennis shared his heart with friends, and they loved him back.

Friend, business associate, and fellow ambassador for Brooksville, Michael Heard, said, “To summarize Dennis Wilfong as a human being is not difficult.  He was a kind, gentle soul, loved God, his family, and a true contributor to the community of Brooksville.  He will be missed by all.”


The wonderful life and remarkable story of Dennis H. Wilfong remind us of that familiar poem by Bessie Anderson Stanley explaining success:

“He who has achieved success has lived well, laughed often and love much;

Who has enjoyed the trust of pure women, the respect of intelligent men, and the love of little children;

Who has filled his niche and accomplished his task;

Who has never lacked appreciation of Earth’s beauty or failed to express it;

Who has left the world better than he found it,

Whether an improved poppy, a perfect poem, or a rescued soul;

Who has always looked for the best in others and given them the best he had;

Whose life was an inspiration;

Whose memory is a benediction.”

Dennis H. Wilfong is an American success story, a remarkable man, and an example for humanity.

For obituary, information regarding services, or to send condolences to the family, CLICK HERE.