NCMA Automation

Manufacturing companies, small and large, across the country have realized that the chronic workforce shortage is not going away, ever.

So what are these companies doing to attract the next generation of manufacturing employees, improve operational efficiencies and Increase competitiveness? Automation!

The automation companies in the State of Florida that we work with are all incredibly busy bringing automation solutions to their clients.

Are you still sitting on the sidelines wondering if automation is the right approach for your company? While the company down the road is automating and poaching your best employees and attracting the next generation of manufacturing employees.

Automation solutions take many forms and come at a number of price points, from installing Robots/Cobots in various applications to fulling integrated automation solutions.

Our own Dave Dragon, the FloridaMakes Business Advisor, assigned to NCMA, is the FloridaMakes Industry 4.0 Specialist working with clients and automation companies across the State of Florida.

Selecting, preparing, and implementing an automation solution requires professional help and expertise.

Dave is here to help you along your automation journey.

Please reach out to Dave if you are considering an automation solution in the future.

Dave Dragon, , 630.248.3375