Member Benefits


The Nature Coast Manufacturers’ Association (NCMA) helps manufacturers achieve their goals, through networking, bringing solutions to manufacturing problems, advocating for manufacturers with local, state and federal governments and providing educational, certification and grant opportunities.

We do this through General Membership Meetings, Website Bulletins, Business Assessments, Individual Consultations, Surveys, Grant Resourcing, Workforce Initiatives and Workforce Healthcare Initiatives.

General Membership Meetings – The NCMA holds periodic meetings at various locations throughout the Nature Coast where all members are invited to attend. The meetings provide educational speakers focused on manufacturing and networking opportunities. We also feature manufacturers’ showcases, facility tours, informational updates and manufacturing trends with food and fun.

Website Bulletins – Bulletins include news articles on new manufacturing technology, industry trends, regional and national manufacturing news of interest. They also include announcements, notices about meetings of interest, grant information and news pertaining to our partners.

Individual Consultations – Upon request at no cost, the NCMA will consult with manufacturers to discuss the issues, challenges and opportunities that their businesses face.

Business Assessments – The NCMA upon request, will provide to member manufacturers a free business assessment of their business, and a detailed report from a qualified FloridaMakes Business Advisor.

Surveys – From time to time, the NCMA or partner organizations will conduct surveys to help manufacturers individually or as a group. The survey results will help manufacturers better understand the issues, challenges and opportunities they face individually and in the marketplace.

Grant Resourcing – The NCMA is always looking for grant opportunities for our members. When we find grant opportunities, we share them with our members and offer help to apply for the grants.

Supply Chain Database Solution – All Manufacturing members of NCMA enjoy FREE membership in CONNEX FLORIDA. Regular membership is normally priced at $500 annually, however, your free membership is possible through our association with FloridaMakes who has partnered with the Associated Industries of Florida and Space Florida to build Connex Florida. 

Connex Florida is a supply chain database tool for the manufacturing industry in Florida. This tool contains in-depth information on a broad range of Florida manufacturers, along with detailed search functions to highlight specific production capabilities, certifications, equipment, material types and more. The purpose of this tool is to help Florida manufacturers better connect with each other, be discovered, and increase business opportunities.

If you are a Florida manufacturer and would like to request a listing and/or a user account, please create an account below and a member of our FloridaMakes Connex team will be in touch with you soon to validate your information. Click on the Connex logo below to get started, or click here:

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Workforce Initiatives – The NCMA has formed a Manufacturers’ Workforce Council to address the priority of providing individual manufacturers with a talented workforce. The Council includes workforce partners from education, workforce development agencies and businesses. The NCMA Website provides members and partners a Central Communication Center for the Council’s activities.

We look forward to serving you and your business. If you have questions, please feel free to call Duane Chichester, Executive Director, NCMA at (352)428-4220 or email at