Focusing on “Workforce Challenges and Solutions”
Join Us At:
Tracers’ Building
Thursday, May 19, 2022, at 8:00 AM
15470 Flight Path Drive, Brooksville, FL 34604
You will learn about a couple of unique and rewarding ways to solve workforce challenges, outsource some workforce tasks and find talent in new ways. You will hear about how the Arc of the Nature Coast is helping employers and transforming lives by providing workforce opportunities for people with disabilities.
You will hear about some incredible benefits for employers, available grants and resources, and great success stories from manufacturing companies that hire qualified people who want a second chance to be productive workforce members.
Join the Fun and Enjoy:
- Free Continental Breakfast
- Door Prize
- Networking with Other Local Manufacturers
- Learn about other resources to help your business
Please register today as seating is limited:
Featured Speakers:

Mark Barry, CEO
The Arc of the Nature Coast
a Professional Law Corporation

Maria Reza,
Workforce Development Coordinator
CareerSource – Pasco/Hernando